
“There’s always room for a story that can transport people to another place.”
-J.K. Rowling


  • Technical writing at Rakuten USA
  • Freelance English and writing tutoring
  • Marketing writing at U Music Education Foundation
  • Humor writing at Black Sheep
  • Writing articles for The Daily Californian


  • Document design, marketing writing, academic writing, journalism, copyediting, teaching, blogging, humor writing


  • MadCap Flare, WordPress, Adobe InDesign

Personal Blog

I publish at least once a month on casual topics that include travel, college life, and writing. I'm currently working on the Alphabet Project, where I write an article for each letter of the alphabet.

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The Daily Californian

I wrote articles and opinion columns for The Daily Californian, UC Berkeley's student-run newspaper.


Exploring the Intellectual Playground
My graduation farewell column

Letting It Go
A Disney-themed meditation on life's irritations

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The Black Sheep

After The Black Sheep redesigned its website, all evidence of my embarrassing foray into college humor writing disappeared from the Internet. Unfortunately, I managed to save my pieces. If you wish to view some, feel free to email me.